
Date Of Launch Of Preferential Offering And Despatch Of Instruction Booklet And ARE To Eligible Unitholders Pursuant To The Preferential Offering

May 22, 2018

Announcement Title General Announcement
Date & Time of Broadcast May 22, 2018 21:09
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Date of launch of preferential offering and despatch of instruction booklet and ARE
Announcement Reference SG180522OTHR1I1R
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Catherine Yeo
Designation Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Please see attached announcement on the date of launch of preferential offering and despatch of instruction booklet and ARE to eligible unitholders.
DBS Bank Ltd and Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Pte. Ltd. are the joint financial advisers, global coordinators and issue managers for the initial public offering of the units in Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust (the "Offering"). DBS Bank Ltd., Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Pte. Ltd., Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte., Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited and United Overseas Bank Limited are the joint bookrunners and underwriters for the Offering (collectively, the "Joint Bookrunners"). The Joint Bookrunners for the Offering assume no responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

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